Sunday, March 18, 2012

Bike+ App Does More Than GPS

BikePlusAppImage1 A bike ride isn’t just GPS and ride statistics like distance, duration and elevation—a bike ride is about an experience. Most cycling apps and devices are so busy with the statistical data that they don’t leave time to capture the actual experience of the ride. So, world champion bikers James Mathis and Ted Huang created their own app to do just that.

Bike+ is a cycling app available in the iTunes store that gives users the ability to record and track with standard GPS functions, log standard data such as duration and speed and also calculate advanced data like automatic real-time climb detection and categorization. The app allows for tagging hazards and incident locations to share with other cyclists and, most importantly, allows for sharing your ride on multiple platforms. You can create and share ride highlight videos, post your ride details to Strava or Twitter and export Garmin TCX and GPX files.

Their start-up company, World Champ Tech, also offers apps for hiking, walking and running that offer similar features.

The Bike+ app also allows for custom Pebble watch integration, allowing the cyclists to sync data without having to pull a phone out. They currently have a Kickstarter project to create a Pebble mount to better utilize Pebble’s features as a bike computer, as it perfectly complements their Bike+ app.

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