TomTom Announces New TomTom GO 52
Dutch mapping and Sat Nav manufacturer TomTom announced a new GPS device last week. The device, which is called the TomTom VIA 53 in Europe, is available now in the UK and provides users with a midrange device that includes Wifi, which is usually only available on higher-end devices.
The press release from TomTom states that the device would be available in “select countries” starting last week and that in the United States, it is called the “TomTom GO 52.” However as of the time of writing, it still doesn’t seem to be available on the US version of the TomTom website. Regardless, we’re still going to go ahead and look at it; operating on the assumption it will be available in the US eventually. read more

TomTom Announces New TomTom GO 52
Dutch mapping and Sat Nav manufacturer TomTom announced a new GPS device last week. The device, which is called the TomTom VIA 53 in Europe, is … read more

Garmin Debuts New Dedicated RV Device
RVs can be a lot of fun, but if you've ever taken a road trip in one, then you know that RV drivers have completely different needs than your average … read more

TomTom Debuts new GO and VIA Devices
TomTom, a Dutch company that has become known more for its mapping and navigational solutions recently, has announced that it will be adding new … read more

Garmin Announces New Forerunner 935
Last week, Garmin released the newest device in the Forerunner series. The Forerunner 935 is aimed at serious athletes and has the ability to track … read more

TomTom Study Reveals Global Traffic Congestion at All Time High
Many GPS devices include some sort of traffic information—even Google Maps now has this ability. While in the past it was a subscription service, now … read more
How to Use Garmin Handhelds as Trail Cam Viewers
Hunting season is still a ways away, but in the cold winter months and the coming spring is when trail cams are among the most fun. In these months, … read more

Garmin Pilot App Adds Features Including Global Options for Android
Garmin has announced some updates to its popular Garmin Pilot application for Apple and Android devices. With this Garmin Pilot update, users now have … read more

New GPS Map Emphasizes Walking Directions, Mobility
Whether you're walking, hiking, cycling, or driving, GPS directions are incredibly useful for finding your way around. However, as anyone who has ever … read more

GPS Safety App Offers Alternative to Tracker
There are tons of GPS trackers on the market designed to help keep loved ones safe whenever they are out on their travels. Most of these involve … read more
More GPS News

This Week in GPS — May 12, 2017
After a brief hiatus due to illness, we're back with this week in GPS, a weekly link roundup of (mostly) GPS related odds and ends, from GPS … read more

This Week in GPS — April 28, 2017
This week in GPS is a weekly link roundup of (mostly) GPS related odds and ends, from GPS Tracklog and other places around the Web. This week's … read more

This Week in GPS — April 21, 2017
This week in GPS is a weekly link roundup of (mostly) GPS related odds and ends, from GPS Tracklog and other places around the Web. This week's … read more