Sunday, March 18, 2012

TomTom Introduces New MyDrive


While GPS devices are incredibly useful for finding your way around while behind the wheel, programming them can sometimes be a chore. There’s nothing worse than having to finger-peck out a long address, hunched awkwardly over the wheel as you jab a finger at the touchscreen. But, we all do it—it’s one of those necessary evils of using a GPS device, it seems. Well, TomTom begs to differ.

This week, the Dutch navigation and telematics company has introduced a new website and app duo that will allow users to prepare routes, search locations and view realtime traffic information from a computer or smartphone. Then, when you’re ready to go, you can simply send the information to your TomTom, get in the car and drive. It’s absolutely genius, and the best part is that it’s free.

TomTom MyDrive (not to be confused with MyDrive Connect) will be available in May on new TomTom devices including the GO 510, GO 610, GO 5100 and GO 6100. These devices will also feature the ability to set home and work locations, save favorites and import custom POIs right from your smartphone or computer.

Other older devices will be compatible with the basic features of MyDrive via a software update which will be pushed to customers soon. The units that will get this software update include:

  • GO 40
  • GO 50
  • GO 60
  • GO 400
  • GO 500
  • GO 600
  • GO 5000
  • GO 6000

It’s worth noting that TomTom already has a MyDrive application for the TomTom GO devices, but where that application only allows consumers to use realtime traffic (and lots of data) this new version will allow customers to plan everything and then simply send it to their TomTom device.

At the time of writing, the TomTom MyDrive site isn’t live right now. However, as it will go live soon, I’ll go ahead and publish the website address: I think it should be live sometime in the next week or so. The MyDrive App (also not available at the time of publication) will be available on Google Play and iTunes. I don’t believe the application will be offered for Windows Phones, although it’s possible it will be added much later.

To me, this app/website combo is pretty sweet and I’m actually pretty excited about it. But then again, I also hate typing on screens in general, so that might just be me. What do you think? Would you use the app? Let me know in the comments!


  1. This is reminiscent of the old TomTom Home which also allowed computer planning and download to the unit. Hope this is rolled out to my Go Live 825

    • I think it’s only for the newer units right now, but here’s to hoping they push it to some of the older units!

  2. Nice feature. But how does this compare to Google Maps, Magellan, and competitors?

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