Sunday, March 18, 2012

Group GPS Helps You Locate Friends During Outings



Location sharing using GPS is quickly becoming popular, but most apps only allow you to share and track your own location. With the new Group GPS app, available for iPhone, users can create activity groups and track everyone who joins, no matter how far away they are. Have a friend who is constantly late or someone who always has errands to run elsewhere? Now it will be easy for you to catch up with everyone at concerts, trail rides, pub crawls or family get-togethers. The app was initially designed to help keep track of cycling groups, but the possibilities are nearly endless!

The simple interface makes it easy for users to connect with each other when off exploring. With the click of a button you can join or leave the group activity and easily keep track of who can see your location. The app is free at the moment, but states on the page that it’s for a limited time. It is not available for Android users, but an Android compatible version is in the works.

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