Sunday, March 18, 2012

Apple iOS 6 maps complaints widespread

iOS 6 Maps FailThe Internet has been buzzing for the past 24 hours, filled with complaints about Apple’s new Maps app in iOS 6. Back in June, Apple revealed the app, letting folks know that free turn-by-turn navigation was coming to iOS and that they were dropping Google Maps. The problem is that Google has been mapping the world since 2005 and has a seven year lead on local search, fixing errors, etc.

No doubt Apple didn’t like sending so much business Google’s way and felt forced to make this move. But it’s sounds as if it’s going to leave a bad taste with a lot of users. Here’s a brief roundup of posts from around the Web, including some from Apple fanboys:

I could go on, but you get the idea. I guess this isn’t going to hurt navigation app sales too much, huh?

Meanwhile, there are questions and suggestions about the promised Google Maps app:

Heaven forbid pilots use it.

Finally, here’s a creative marketing response:

Hat tips to Jonathan Crowe, Search Engine Land, and All Points Blog.

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. As much of a self admitted Apple fanboy as I am, I have to say I’m squeamish about losing Google Maps. I’m in the process of downloading iOS 6 as I type this. Never had a problem with Google Maps. But my inner fanboy is telling me that like most things Apple, if it isn’t good right out of the gate, it will be fixed before long. Time will tell. And if Google does make a paid app out of what they already have, I’m sure they will sell plenty. Competition is always good. And I wish this download would hurry up!

  2. Only been using iOS 6 Maps for a day now, but so far I am very impressed.

    Other than a couple very small inaccuracies (same as found in my Garmin maps, so….), they are very functional, and effective.

    Yes, I miss street view, and would like to see ETA and current speed on the map screen, all which may come in a future update…

    • Edit:

      Forgot to add, the current traffic data is horrible. That needs immediate improvement. Can not see traffic while guided navigation is active, and as far as I can tell, does not route around it…. yet.

  3. Just a quick first impression. Apple maps located and guided me to Home Depot with no problem. The one thing I found odd was that as I was listening to a podcast, the volume would lower and Siri would speak the directions over it. Not a big deal when listening to music but podcasts or audiobooks is another matter altogether. The Motion X GPS Drive app (which is limited but pretty cool for just a buck) pauses the audio when speaking directions. Hope they fix this bug or make it an option to turn on or off.

  4. Also I notice the Geocaching app still shows Google Maps. As does the Motion X GPS app. And I have to say, I have really been enjoying the Motion X app. I’ve experimented with recording tracks and what not and it seems to be pretty good. I’m still going to pick up an E Trex or an Oregon if I could just make up my mind which one.

  5. Also I use various Garmin Nuvi devices at work and at home and I don’t see my iPhone replacing them any time soon. The phone at this stage of the game complements The Garmins very well but doesn’t replace them yet.

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