It is with mixed emotions that after nearly nine years at the helm of this site, I am turning it over to someone else. Leaving the GPS Tracklog community is the hardest part; you have been incredible — supportive, inquisitive and always thirsting for more knowledge on all things GPS. For the past couple of years, other matters have kept me from giving the site as much attention as I wanted. But I am happy to say that I am leaving it in the capable hands of Matt Cook, who plans to keep things rolling along, bringing you the latest from the world of GPS. read more
Magellan Cyclo coming soon
We’ve been hearing for awhile now that the Magellan Cyclo series is coming to the US, and it has now cleared the FCC, complete with a manual for the Cyclo 315 and 505, so I suspect we’ll hear an official announcement soon. read more
This week in GPS — April 26th, 2014
This week in GPS is a weekly link roundup of (mostly) GPS related odds and ends, from GPS Tracklog and other places around the Web. To get a few of the biggest stories as they break, follow me on Twitter. Today’s lead image (above) is a teaser for a post coming early next week.
This week in GPS — April 19th, 2014
This week in GPS is a weekly link roundup of (mostly) GPS related odds and ends, from GPS Tracklog and other places around the Web. To get a few of the biggest stories as they break, follow me on Twitter. Today’s lead image is of a new optional Facebook feature: location tracking. read more
DeLorme inReach Explorer communicator + navigator announced
DeLorme has finally done it, announcing an all-in-one two-way satellite communicator plus GPS navigator, the DeLorme inReach Explorer. read more
Drones, safety and the FAA

GPS drone (UAS) with GoPro camera; Creative Commons image courtesy Don McCullough
A few recent news reports about drones have got me thinking about drone regulation. The FAA has basically banned commercial use of drones for the time being (although an NTSB administrative law judge recently cast doubt of the legality of the ban). That doesn’t seem to have deterred the feds though, who are even issuing cease and desist orders for non-commercial use. read more
This week in GPS — April 12th, 2014
This week in GPS is a weekly link roundup of (mostly) GPS related odds and ends, from GPS Tracklog and other places around the Web. To get a few of the biggest stories as they break, follow me on Twitter. This week’s lead video is a beginner’s guide to hiding your first geocache.
Garmin Edge 1000 announced
Garmin announced their latest cycling GPS this morning, the Edge 1000. New features include a larger 3″ and higher resolution screen, WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0, and text and call notifications (iPhone 4S+ only for now; Android reportedly coming at a later date). read more
This week in GPS — April 5th, 2014

The TomTom GO 50 and 60 series hits US shores
This week in GPS is a weekly link roundup of (mostly) GPS related odds and ends, from GPS Tracklog and other places around the Web. To get a few of the biggest stories as they break, follow me on Twitter. This week’s lead image is of a surprise US introduction of the TomTom GO 50/60 series (more info below).
No fooling: April 1 GNSS fix issue returns

The entire GLONASS constellation suffered a major disruption Tuesday
It’s happened again. Two years ago a significant number of TomTom units started having problems acquiring GPS satellites on April 1. It took a full week to roll out a fix (punny, huh?). Well it appears that the April 1 GNSS jinx has struck again, as the entire GLONASS constellation started providing erroneous information just after midnight, Russian time, this past Tuesday. read more