Sunday, March 18, 2012

New GPS tracker Monitors Loved Ones with No Monthly Fee

The GPS tracker, Findster, has two primary devices connected wirelessly and monitored through the Findster app on your smartphone or tablet.

Update: Findster has reached its goal on Indiegogo, and will be shipping early next year.

The innovative GPS tracker, Findster, helps caregivers monitor children and pets wirelessly on their smartphone with no monthly fees. Funding on Indiegogo is currently underway, and Findster seems well worth the effort. Unlike some GPS trackers, Findster does not require any type of monthly fee and offers many useful functions such as fall detection for children or loved ones, an activity tracker for pets and the ability to set routes or perimeters and receive updates and push notifications if the device leaves the designated area or route in addition to GPS tracking. The device is monitored through the Findster app, which can be downloaded on your smartphone or tablet.

The devices themselves work within a range of 0.62 miles (1 km) but the addition of a base station can double this range and several base stations together can create a network, helping you locate your lost loved one as soon as they come within range of a base. This high-precision GPS system can monitor up to 30 modules simultaneously in real-time and features security measures so only authorized individuals can track the devices. The device also features a panic button to alert caregivers in case of an emergency, and a locate mode to track movements. If funding goals are reached, the device is set to be released in April 2015.


Findster: The location system that connects your world from Findster on Vimeo.



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