Sunday, March 18, 2012

Enter traffic circle and keep left?

Traffic-circle-failOkay, maybe it’s unfair to call out Google Maps Navigation for this error. After all, every GPS can give you faulty directions, no matter what database they are using for road data. But I’ve never seen this type of error on a unit using NAVTEQ or TeleAtlas maps. Fail!

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. Perhaps your phone uses UK settings?

  2. It looks like the segments that make up the traffic circle were marked as two-way. I changed them on Map Maker to counter-clock wise (pending approval from other reviewers). I think that *should* fix it. It is a bit crazy that this error is in there to begin with, but very nice that you can just dive into Map Maker and fix problems like this.

  3. Eric Riback says:

    I’ve stopped using Google maps (on web — I don’t have a smartphone) sicne they dropped the other map vendors. Of late, they do not seem to know the Rhinecliff Bridge (between Rhinebeck and Kingston NY) exists so are trying to route you about 30 miles out of the way to cross the river. Online, I sue Mapquest and I do have an old Magellan GPS that, although not being updated, does a pretty good job as needed.

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