Sunday, March 18, 2012

Bracketron MobileDock Vent Mount review

Bracketron MobileDock MountI’m planning to pick up a new phone soon, and I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of buying clunky, expensive phone docks. And then there’s the fact that my wife and I have different phones, so if I take her vehicle, I’m stuck without a mount.

Well declare your independence folks. The Bracketron MobileDock Universal Vent Mount is a real winner. That green dot is a sticky material that will hold your phone or GPS tightly in place. And there’s no residue once you detach it either. Ah, the wonders of modern materials. The green dot does get dirty over time, but a quick wash with water cleans it up nicely.

Installation was straightforward enough. I haven’t used vent mounts much before but I like the location, and if you’re using a phone or GPS that tends to heat up, there’s the added advantage of cooling from the vent! The vent does remain adjustable, BTW. Here’s a pic showing the vent attachment arms, which are spring loaded…


My wife’s Droid X on the mount…

Bracketron Droid X

I don’t think this is the be all, end all solution, but it’s a far cry better that the pricey, crappy mounts I have been using. If you have one (or get one) of these, I’d love to hear about your experiences with it. Chime in below!

And thanks to Pocket GPS World for turning me onto this.

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.

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