Sunday, March 18, 2012


TomTom GO 920/920T review


UPDATE: This model has been discontinued. For current recommendations, please refer to our TomTom comparison chart.

The TomTom GO 920 / 920T is TomTom’s new top-of-the-line GPS navigator. This one has it all — pre-loaded maps of the U.S., Canada and Europe, voice commands, FM transmitter, Bluetooth, text-to-speech, Map Share, remote control and an included traffic receiver. The TomTom 920 has everything except that the traffic receiver, which is available as an optional accessory.

The really hot new features on this unit are voice commands and what TomTom calls Enhanced Positioning Technology (EPT). This uses dead reckoning sensors to help keep track of your position when you lose satellite coverage (in tunnels, etc.).

Step down to the TomTom GO 720 and you’ll lose the EPT, voice commands, remote control and you’ll have to pay extra for the traffic receiver. To see how the TomTom GO 920T compares to other units, check out our TomTom comparison chart.

TomTom GO 920 T European maps


Detailed coverage in Western Europe:
Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Denmark,Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Norway, Portugal, Republic of Ireland, San Marino, Spain (including Canary Islands), Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, and Vatican City.

Detailed coverage in Eastern Europe:
Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and the Russia Federation.

Road Connector coverage in Eastern Europe:
Coverage of major roads to allow guided navigation from city to city and around the borders of neighbouring counties: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine.

Compare prices on the TomTom GO 920T has posted the first hands-on TomTom GO 920T review, which focuses extensively on voice commands, the remote control, and the traffic receiver. I’m glad to hear the positive reports on the latter, since earlier TomTom traffic receivers have seen less than stellar reviews.

More TomTom GO 920T reviews

Other TomTom GO 920 resources

Compare prices on the TomTom GO 920T at these merchants:

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. r koppel says:

    TomTom has come out with a 930/930T. Are the two new features worth the $150 more over the 920/920T? Are there software fixes or upgrades that add to the usefulness of the newer version

  2. The biggest change is the addition of IQ Routes, using historical average speeds. There’s more info on this at
    One unanswered question is whether TomTom will make this retroactively available to owners of older devices.

  3. i like navigator tomtom 920.i live in india.if i buy tomtom 920 also possible change india maps route?

  4. vikram,
    I don’t believe TomTom sells maps of India. How about the MapMyIndia GPS?

  5. Nice!

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