UPDATE: The Magellan RoadMate series has been officially discontinued. For a more current model, check out our Magellan auto GPS comparison chart or our list of current Magellan receivers.
The Magellan RoadMate 300 GPS is an older version of the more recent RoadMate 360 model. Maps must be transferred via USB cable from your PC with the 300, whereas the 360 has maps for the entire U.S. and Canada pre-loaded, already in the unit.
46 readers at Amazon gave an average 3.5 out of 5 star rating in their RoadMate 300 reviews.
Here’s what others have to say:
- GPS Information.net has this Magellan 300 review.
- CNet gave a 7.7 (out of 10) rating in their Road Mate 300, but 27 readers there gave it a much weaker 6.0 rating.
- Pocket-Lint chimes in with this review of the Magellan Road Mate 300.
- Canadian Driver adds this Magellan RoadMate 300 review.
- A devastatingly negative review of the Magellan RoadMate 300.
- Personal Computer World reviews the Magellan Roadmate 300.
Other resources:
- Links to PDF versions of the RoadMate 300 owner manual in English, French and Spanish.
- Want to compare Magellan GPS units side-by-side? Use this handy tool.
- There is a Magellan RoadMate message forum at GpsPasSion.
- There is also a Magellan GPS message forum at Yahoo, and an alt.satellite.gps.magellan UseNet group.
Compare prices on the Magellan RoadMate 300 at these merchants:
- Find the current Magellan RoadMate 300 price
at Amazon.com.
- Find the Magellan RoadMate 300 for an amazing price on eBay.
- The official Magellan RoadMate 300 web page.
your system was working nice until I hit Las Vegas Nevada. It seemed that even before Vegas, the distance was wrong by 80 percent and in Vegas no street was displayed only freeways. luckyly I had my laptop and checked my gps, eventhough my map was set properly and was choosen in map trip too it was getting signal everything was ok but the magellan gps could not get no infor of any street at all in vegas. Also how can I get an upgrade
I think you need to direct your comments to Magellan themselves (http://www.magellangps.com). I do not sell these units nor provide upgrades. I merely provide information, in the form of news, reviews, etc. You should be able to get upgrade information on their website as well, though I have to add that Magellan does not have a stellar reputation for customer service.