UPDATE: This model has been discontinued. For a list of current TomTom models and their features, please see our TomTom comparison chart.
The TomTom ONE 3rd edition adds several new features to the original TomTom ONE. Most notable is Map Share, which allows you to update certain map inaccuracies. The 3rd edition also adds TMC traffic as an option.
Like the original, the 3rd edition comes with pre-loaded maps of the U.S. and Canada, voice-prompted directions, a color touch-screen and a high sensitivity chipset.
To see how it stacks up against other TomTom receivers, check out our TomTom GPS comparison chart.
Compare prices on the TomTom ONE 3rd edition
More TomTom ONE 3rd edition reviews
- Consumer-authored TomTom ONE 3rd edition reviews
at Amazon.
- Adrian Kinglsey-Hughes has posted a TomTom ONE 3rd edition review.
- The first TomTom ONE 3rd edition review by a consumer has been posted at CNet.
- There is also a TomTom ONE 3rd Edition Portable Automotive GPS System IN STOCK
customer review postedat TigerGPS.
- Here’s a review of the TomTom ONE Europe v3.
- A UK perspective frames this TomTom ONE 3rd edition review.
- The Oklahoma Outdorsman compares the TomTom ONE 3rd edition to two other GPS receivers.
- TechDose has also posted a TomTom ONE 3rd edition review.
- Since this unit is so similar to the original, you may want to check out my TomTom ONE review.
I’ll be posting more hands on GPS reviews as they appear, but in the meantime, here’s some…
Other TomTom ONE 3rd edition resources
- The official TomTom ONE 3rd edition web page.
- How to add itinerary planning to your Tomom ONE 3rd edition.
- Another handy TomTom GPS comparison chart.
- The TomTom ONE 3rd edition owners manual.
- YourNav hosts a TomTom message forum.
- GpsPasSion also has a TomTom message forum.
- There is also a message board at TomTomForums.com.
- Use the TomTom product advisor to help determine which unit works for you.
Compare prices on the TomTom ONE 3rd edition at these merchants:
- Check the current TomTom ONE 3rd edition
price at Amazon.com.
- Get the
TomTom ONE 3rd Edition Portable Automotive GPS System IN STOCK
at TigerGPS, where you get free shipping on orders above $250.
- Buy the
TomTom ONE 3rd Edition GPS Receiver
at REI.com.
- Find the TomTom ONE 3rd edition for an amazing price at eBay!
With prices dropping, I think GPS devices will be a huge hit this holiday season. I think the 3rd Edition will be very popular because of its affordable price. I’ve talked to a few friends with this device and they say it works great!
this review states that the 3rd ed has sirfstarIII. i believe tomtom switched to hammerhead chips for their ONE’s in early 2007 to save $.
Right you are Chad. I’ve changed it to simply read “high sensitivity chipset.” Thanks for catching that and taking the time to report it.