Sunday, March 18, 2012

Navigon 5100 review


NOTE: Navigon has pulled out of the U.S. market and we are no longer recommending their receivers. Check out our auto GPS buyers guide for our current recommendations.

The Navigon 5100 is Navigon’s first generation mid-range GPS device. It features lifetime traffic, Zagat ratings and the reality view / lane assist feature for major highway interchanges, as shown above. It also has a 3.5" touch screen, maps of the lower 48 United States, and text-to-speech, so you’ll get "turn left on Oak Street" rather than just "turn left."

Dropping down to the entry-level Navigon 2100, you’ll lose the lifetime traffic, Zagat ratings and lane assist.

Compare prices on the Navigon 5100

Most of the 5100’s features are discussed in detail in my hands on review of the Navigon 7100, so I won’t repeat all that here. The 7100 adds Bluetooth and voice commands to the 5100’s feature set.

More Navigon 5100 reviews

I’ll be posting more hands on GPS reviews as they appear, but in the meantime, here are some…

Other Navigon 5100 resources

Compare prices on the Navigon 5100 at these merchants:

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About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.

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