Sunday, March 18, 2012


TomTom ONE 125 review

TomTom ONE 125

UPDATE: This model has been discontinued. For a list of current TomTom models and their features, please see our TomTom comparison chart.

The TomTom ONE 125 turned out to be one of this year’s Black Friday stars. Aggressively priced, the ONE 125 is identical to the TomTom ONE 130, except that it only includes maps of the U.S., and not Canada too (as found on the 130).

I had suspected that the points of interest (POI) database might be
reduced, but have confirmed that this is not so (other than the missing
Canadian POIs of course). This is a basic unit though — it has the smaller 3.5″ touch screen and lacks text-to-speech, so you’ll hear “turn right” rather than “turn right, Maple Street.”

Compare prices on the TomTom ONE 125

The ONE 125 includes the Easy-Port mount, which stows on the back of the device. It also includes Map Share, which allows you to make certain map corrections on the device,
share them with others, and receive their corrections as well. A Help Me! feature allows you to locate nearby emergency services. You can read more about Map Share and Help Me! in my TomTom GO 730 review.

The first TomTom ONE 125 reviews have begun to show up online, and they sound pretty positive so far…

TomTom ONE 125 reviews

Other TomTom ONE 125 resources

Compare prices on the TomTom ONE 125 at these merchants:


About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. The TomTom 125 is also $99.95 at

  2. Do you know if the 125 has the same internal memory as the 130? It comes without the canadian maps, but can you put the US + Canada maps on there or is the memory smaller and they won’t fit?

  3. The same question came up here, and they are saying 900 MB are available…

  4. Problem with Tom tom 125 and 130 are lack of SD card slot and only 1 GB internal memory… The 2nd day I brought it, tried to update maps and keep complaining that no space available….. I am happy Garmin 260W.

  5. Hello galley bought a gps tomtom one 125 in miami and do I need the maps of the brasil, does anybody know where to find without being it bought by the site of the tomtom?!
    Thank you

  6. Bill Press says:

    Re TomTom One 125; will it mount on the dashboard? Illegal to mount it on windshield in Calfornia.

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