Sunday, March 18, 2012

Garmin quietly adds maps of Mexico to your nuvi

Mexico nuvi map Done a map update lately? If so, you may want to check your nuvi and see if it’s ready to head south of the border. The screenshot above is from my nuvi 765T after the latest map update. From GpsPasSion:

I believe Mexico is now included in the units/mapsets which originally included Canada and is also likely dependent on available unit memory. I believe the addition of Mexico requires an additional 80-90MB. Those with 2GB nuvis including the 1xxx series (1690 included) will likely not have Mexico available after the 2011.10 map update since those units come with only about ~120MB of free memory.

To see if Mexico has been installed on your unit:

Where To? > Cities > Spell > "Mexico City" > Done. Now select "Mexico City, DF", then press the Map button.

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. I have a Zumo 660 and have City Nav North America NT 2011 loaded (just downloaded the update about 10 days ago), tried this and, nope, not getting Mexico City as you have captured above. Any notion why? Thanks!

  2. It’s probably a memory issue. A Google search turns up occasional instances of people not having enough room for City Navigator updates.

  3. Brian O'Connell says:

    I have a 765T with the City Navigator North America NT 2011.1 map and I do not get the detailed streets. However, they show up in MapSource. The 2010.4 maps in MapSource do NOT have the street detail. On my Map Info screen on the Nuvi, it says CN North America NT 2011.10 and is named [1] US & Canada

    Maybe I did not do the correct installation?

  4. Interesting. I’ve got a 765T and it says CN North America NT 2011.10 3D.

  5. Brian O'Connell says:

    There are two maps for each release. You are looking at the 3D map which comes first. Scroll down and you will see the other map info too.

  6. Ah, thanks! It says…

    CN North America NT 2011.10
    [1] ALL

  7. Brian O'Connell says:

    I have other items loaded that might reduce the space enough that the Mexico map would not fit. But I thought I had way more than 100MB free. I will think about it when the next quarterly update comes out. It’s not like I will be going to Mexico, or for that matter, anywhere outside of Southern California anytime soon anyway. But it is fun to play with anyway so I will try to get it next time.

  8. Hmm, the Zumo 660 should be about at the top of the Garmin heap for having most memory as part of the unit. As for my case, it’s not a memory issue. I believe the 660 ships with 4gb internal memory and at time of updating to 2011, I also had an 8gb micro sd card in that had no files on. After the 2011 update, my Garmin unit shows approximately 2gb used and 2gb available. The micro sd card still has 8gb available. I did a simple test by moving a couple MapSource generated route files, audio book, music and picture files to the Garmin and to the micro sd unit. In both instances no problems loading or accessing once moved. So, I’m still stumped as to why you can access the Mexico data and I can not when we’re using the same data source. Anyone?

  9. Thanks for this! I was trying to see if I had Mexico maps installed on my nuvi 1350 and this settled the question. I looked at Mexico City and see the same detail you show.

  10. Javier Livas says:

    Mexico is technically, grammatically and geographically part of North America, so if you do not include it you are deceiving you buyers.

  11. Hector Martinez says:

    i have Garmin nuvi gps 3760 its was fine until i update and i don’t know What Wen Wrong i didn’t have, canada , Mexico only says Cnna – Na – Dem North America DEM

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