Sunday, March 18, 2012

TomTom segments lineup; brings Start to North America

UPDATERead my hands-on review of the TomTom Start 55TM.

TomTom has announced a new product line-up for North America, breaking things down into entry-level (TomTom Start series, pictured above), mid-range (VIA series) and high-end (GO LIVE). This is the first time the Start will be offered in the US, although a model similar to the European Start, called the TomTom EASE, was introduced on this side of the pond a couple of years ago.

So we’re getting an updated entry-level device, but it will also bring new features including “access to nationwide fuel prices,” which will be delivered via TomTom Home and refreshed weekly. As you can see above, the Start series will use the simplified Easy menu, and not the new Webkit-based interface found on the VIA and GO LIVE series.

There will be a 4.3” line, with Start 45, 45M (lifetime maps) and 45TM (lifetime traffic and maps) models, and a 5” line with Start 55, 55M and 55TM models. Prices will start at $119 MSRP with availability expected this spring.

There aren’t any new VIA and GO LIVE models planned for this spring as TomTom works to simplify their lineup and eliminate confusion. Click here for the full news release.

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. offthegrid says:

    The TomTom website has dropped the msrp on the GO Live 2535M to $249 & the GO Live 1535M to $199.

    Making room for a new connected flagship or just dropping the price?

    Seems like Garmin is cleaning their clock.

    • Just dropping the price I think. They have told me there are no new models planned for spring other than the Start series. Maybe they aere getting enough renewals now that they want to push LIVE devices.

  2. So what will be the difference between the old Go Live 2535 and the new Go Live? Hardware, software or re branding?

  3. The GPS industry should be ashamed of itself.

    Without this site to make my buying purchase easier, I would be praying for the day a better GPS manufacturer put them all out of business.

    Now that my iphone can be an incredible GPS, it is inevitable they will all be out of business. I didnt make a GPS company so I cant criticize too much, but they sucked.

    Recently I needed to buy a GPS for my wife as a placeholder until she replaces her smartphone.

    TomTom’s & Garmin’s websites are horrible, but TomTom’s is beyond abysmal.

    TomTom’s has comparison page that lists all their models and it actually gave me back stress looking at it.
    I cant tell which model is higher end, cheaper, older, newer.

    The amazon reviews for the new Garmin 40,50 models change directions based on the voice changes?!?!?! I cant believe these companies have problems of this caliber when almost nothing has changed in GPS’ over the last 3 years.

    Anyway, this is my way of thanking you for your site and making the purchase easier. Garmin & TomTom certainly dont help.

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