Sunday, March 18, 2012

New TomTom GO series announced

TomTom GO 50xx 2013 GPSTomTom has announced a new high-end TomTom GO series this morning, including 4.3″, 5″ and 6″ models. While the details aren’t entirely clear, it appears that all models will include a capacitive multi-touch display and 3D buildings.

Lifetime traffic x 2

The new devices will offer two ways to get lifetime traffic data, “Smartphone Connected” or “Always Connected.” These will possibly be separate models:

The new TomTom GO range has a simplified product line-up. Customers can select their preferred screen size, choosing from a 4.3”, 5” or 6” model; then decide how they prefer to receive their TomTom Traffic information, either via Smartphone Connected or Always Connected.

The former will utilize a Bluetooth connection, while the latter will apparently use a built-in cellular modem:

Always Connected devices offer the simplest way to receive TomTom Traffic straight out of the box. With connectivity built-in and with no additional costs for roaming, drivers can easily access TomTom Traffic and other services, including TomTom Speed Cameras, whenever needed.

Map-based interface

A new interface places the emphasis on the map and less on a traditional menu system. You can see it a bit in this promo video:


My understanding is that the new GO series will be released later this year, and in Europe before the US. But I’m betting they try to hit the US market before the holidays. No word on pricing yet, and models numbers weren’t announced although the image above was named TT_GO50XX.

UPDATE: Here’s the full news release.

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. Offthegrid says:

    The 400 & 500 will be the 4.3 and 5 inch models with those also needing a smart phone bluetooth set up for traffic etc. The 600 is the 6 inch model that will only be connected. At least that’s what I read on a couple of websites that had people at the launch. They must be ramping up 3D maps and these will get them as they roll out and be capable.

    All TomToms will be migrated to a new navigation engine called NavKit (webkit for navigation?)
    The new PND models will have this by default.

    They implied that the new search feature which will search I guess addresses, businesses and fuzzy search at the same time but they have a TomTom Places app for Android – only in Europe that allows you to save your searches. How many times do I tap in the same search terms in different areas? A custom POI isn’t dynamic so it doesn’t know a store has moved or a new one has opened.

    Always looking for the nearest book shop, petrol station or gym? Save your favourite search terms and find them in a tap.”

    The second half of the launch talks about the new GO Models the 1st half is about the new sports watches.

    Then there is ‘commuter’

  2. Pythagoras says:

    We will have to see if they are ever released.

    The graphic shown is a drawing.

    What is being announced is an idea in a hopeful marketers brain.

    • offthegrid says:

      They have a one hour product launch video on youtube and their website and there have been several short hands on reviews.

  3. Cary Nelson says:

    Guessing no new news about the new Go series yet?

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