Sunday, March 18, 2012

Magellan announces Android-based PND

Android-based Magellan RoadMate 5430T-LM

Magellan’s new Android-based RoadMate 5430T-LM

Magellan has announced their first Android-based personal navigation device (PND), the 5″ Magellan RoadMate 5430T-LM. Previous RoadMates have used Windows CE as the underlying operating system.

There’s not a lot of detail in the news release, short of pointing out that it will have a capacitive screen, unusual for a relatively low cost unit; the 5430T-LM carries a list price of $179.99.

I’d be surprised if you see standard Android apps like Gmail on it, or access to Google Play for other apps. If that was the case, they’d probably be making a bigger deal out of it, billing it as a hybrid PND/mini-tablet. No, I’m betting this is just Magellan dipping their toes into the Android waters, getting some experience with it. Next year’s introductions could prove more interesting.

The RoadMate 5430T-LM is due to hit retailers this quarter.

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. Although I am not a Magellan guy, I am still glad to see this. This might prompt Garmin to bring more Android based devices to the United States.

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