Sunday, March 18, 2012


TomTom ONE 140

TomTom-ONE-140-reviewUPDATE: This model has been discontinued. For a list of current TomTom models and their features, please see our TomTom comparison chart.

The TomTom ONE 140 updates the TomTom ONE 130, adding adding IQ Routes and Advanced Lane Guidance (shown above), and expanding map coverage that includes Mexico, as well as the U.S. and Canada.
IQ Routes technology calculates the fastest route using historical traffic speed data for both the day of the week and time of day. The Advanced Lane Guidance feature, provides a visual representation of highway junctions, along with lane-specific directions. Mexican map coverage includes 35% of the 31 states with detailed coverage of Mexico City and Guadalajara, the main road network and 2,431 counties.

Compare prices on the TomTom ONE 140

The ONE 140 offers a 3.5” touch screen. For a more detailed look at this series, check out my hands-on review of the ONE 140-S, which adds text-to-speech, so you’lll hear “turn right, Oak Street,” instead of just “turn right,” which is what you get with the ONE 140.

Step up further in the product line to get the same feature set, albeit with a larger 4.3” wide screen, in the TomTom XL 340 and 340–S.

Finally, the TomTom ONE 140 series uses the EasyPort mount, which I’m not a big fan of. You can read more about that in my TomTom XL 330–S review.

More TomTom ONE 140 reviews

Other TomTom ONE 140 resources

Compare prices on the TomTom ONE 140 at these merchants:


About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. J-P Lafleur says:

    I purchased this device to use on my motorcycle with a RAM mount. For its price, the Tom Tom 140 is an excellent basic navigation device for those who do not care about text-to-speach. ()I can’t hear on my motorcycle, anyway).
    The display is very bright and visible even when wearing sunglasses and the sun shining on it. It is nice and small, which is both good and bad.
    The good: It doesn’t take much handlebar room.
    The bad: It is difficult to type on the screen (keypad), gloves or not.
    Overall, this is an excellent entry-level, compact device that’ll fit in your pocket when walking downtown or on a long walk.

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