Sunday, March 18, 2012

Garmin nuvi 295W with WiFi

Garmin nuvi 295W H

UPDATE: Read my hands on review of the Garmin nuvi 295W.

Well, well, what have we here? A nuvi with WiFi scheduled to hit store shelves in just a few days. The Garmin nüvi 295W is quite the surprise. Dropping parts of the familiar nuvi interface, in places this thing looks and acts more like a nuvifone. The nuvi 295W has a 3.5” screen, Google Local search, email access, and text-to-speech. It can automatically switch from portrait to landscape view and comes with a 3 MP camera and MP3 player with a headphone/audio out jack. Basically, it’s a reasonably priced ($279.99 MSRP) piece of pocket goodness for folks who don’t want to shell out for a smartphone data plan and contract. We’ve got video after the break.

And there’s more…

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. just looked at the video and saw web browser, email and calendar, thats nice. If they added some notepad program , access to custom maps and birds eye view imagery as in the oregon/dakota family , I would surely consider buying this device as a travel companion. of course something even better would be if they would someday release an android unlocked nuviphone not tied to carrier contracts!

  2. Pythagoras says:

    Just as you called it not long ago Rich, Garmin has a few surprises up its sleeve.

    It’s a very good deal for the money and also takes a swipe at the expensive smartphones that are getting so much press.

    • Yeah, I think they may have found a niche with this one. Going by the odd model numbering and the low-key introduction, I think this is partially a test case to see how the market reacts to it. It could also be an early peek at a full series that we’ll see later, allowing them to learn some things before going whole hog.

  3. Where can you get unsecured wi-fi in a moving car? I can’t even find unsecured wi-fi at malls in suburban Boston.

  4. darrengsaw says:

    I expect this will disappear from sale once they have used up all the surplus G60 components.

    An interesting and slightly amusing way of getting rid of the last vestiges of the original nuvifone.

    Epic fail

  5. what has to be done to get email service with the Garmin Nuvi 295W GPS while in Europe?

    • all you need to do is find free wifi

      most hotels have it

      it is best to stick with free wifi you trust, like the hotel or a restaurant you are eating at – there are evidently some losers out there who will set up fake free wifi and get people’s info

      • Hey,

        Thanks for the information. I’ve ordered the unit and hope to get it in time to try it out here in the States before going over seas. I’ve heard some people saying the download process does not always work correctly. i hope that is not the case as we must have the europe maps.
        thanks again.


        • Just be sure you set aside plenty of time for the download, ideally with some weekday time to call Garmin in case it doesn’t work.

          • Thanks for the advice. I called them the other day and was on hold for 20 minutes. The guy who answered the phone was very helpful… but the wait… OUCH.


  6. I have used one of these for going on 2 years; we prefer it to larger less useful gps; you really can get your email if the signal is strong, weather, and surf. Plus the text to speech is good as is the lane change directions. Battery does wear down if you leave wifi on. small enough to fit in pocket but map and text is large enough to be read at normal distances in car; overall by best gps and I got it at the intro price.

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