Sunday, March 18, 2012

Garmin TOPO Alaska Enhanced

TOPO-AlaskaGarmin has quietly rolled out TOPO Alaska Enhanced, which includes 1:24,000 and 1:63,360 scale topo maps, routable roads, urban and wilderness points of interest, and public land boundaries.

24K topo maps are included for Anchorage, Juneau, Fairbanks and a few other areas, with 63K coverage for the rest of the state. The maps are available by download or on micro-SD card from Garmin via the link above. They’ve also shown up at GPS City, though they don’t have them in stock yet.


About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. Nice, I see they also have Hawaii & Porto Rico in 24K now

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