Sunday, March 18, 2012

DeLorme inReach for iOS hits the market

UPDATE 4: The new inReach for smartphones is now available at Amazon.

UPDATE 3: The DeLorme inReach 2-Way Satellite Communicator for Apple iOS and Android is now shipping from

UPDATE 2: I’ve added DeLorme’s news release to the end of this post.

UPDATE: I should have noted that this new version of the inReach will work with either iOS or Android devices.

This one is for you iPhone-toting, off-trail wilderness freaks. Been feeling left out when it comes to two-way satellite communicators? Dying to tweet or post to Facebook from the middle of nowhere? Well for better or worse, now you can, for it looks like word has travelled from Cupertino to Yarmouth, and DeLorme can finally sell their inReach for iOS devices.

In case you’re wondering just what the heck this is all about, you can get some inReach insight by reading my DeLorme inReach for Android review. I don’t see the new version at other retailers yet, just DeLorme, but it shouldn’t be long now.

UPDATE: Here’s the full news release.

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.

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