Sunday, March 18, 2012

Using Garmin nuvis for fleet tracking

Did you know you can use a Garmin nuvi or dezl for fleet tracking? Yes, you can dispatch and message vehicles, track them using a Web interface and more. In order to do this though, you’ll have to turn to one of Garmin’s Mobile Resource Management (MRM) partners. These companies have taken Garmin’s Fleet Management Interface toolkit and built an end to end solution around it. So in addition to the cost of the navigation unit, you’ll also be paying for a transponder, data usage and access to a fleet tracking Web interface.

Ryan Driscoll of GPS Insight was kind enough to provide me with some sample pricing, which would typically include a:

Garmin cable that plugs into the GPSI-3900 tracking device ($75), and the GPSI-3900 device ($300). Our typical monthly service fee is $32.95 per vehicle and for Garmin integration it is an additional $2. Keep in mind that all of our pricing is tiered based on how many units are being purchased.

If you’re curious and want to know more, their website has some video demos of their tracking solution.

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. Karil Aristide says:

    Gamin gps map of Haiti is pretty accurate. I’m setting a 12 truck fleet system in Haiti, I need to have fleet tracking capability. I need help in achieving this, any advise is welcomed.
    I’m also looking into fuel management system.


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