Sunday, March 18, 2012

New TomTom RIDER for motorcycles

TomTom-RIDER-5The new fifth generation TomTom Rider for motorcycles is coming to the US. The most interesting new features are a larger 4.3″ glove-friendly screen, a “winding roads” feature to give you the curviest ride, and route management with Tyre or via a new “Upload Routes and Go” capability that will allow you to save online routes to the device. The Rider also includes Bluetooth for sending audio instructions to your helmet. 

Like TomTom auto units, the Rider will include IQ Routes and Map Share, and comes with lifetime map updates to boot. It is expected to hit the US market this spring at an MSRP of $299.

TomTom Rider for motorcycles

Here’s the full news release.

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. Nice! I used to use Mapsource and Google Maps by hand to force routes on winding/twisty roads. Too bad I don’t ride anymore.

  2. Hi Rich,

    May reports show the suggested MSRP is around £329.99 (or $511). For example, link:

    If it’s $300 I would be all over it…

    • Wow, I should have caught that. Looks like they are going to undercut Garmin’s pricey zumo line in the US and keep the price high in Europe where they have more market share.

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