Sunday, March 18, 2012

New Garmin Approach S6 Golf Watch does more than GPS

Garmin Approach S5 Golf Watch

All golf watches provide GPS for on the green, helping avoid traps and get around doglegs, but the new Garmin Approach S6 Golf Watch strives to go even further. With innovative technology, the Approach S6 Golf Watch will measure your swing metrics and provide valuable training aids for getting it just right with SwingTempo, designed to help with backswing and downswings, SwingStrength, so you know how hard you hit the ball, and TempoTrainer to help golfers synchronize their swing mechanics and fine-tune their tempo.

This waterproof watch comes preloaded with 30,000 international courses to display on the full-color course view with no additional subscriptions necessary. The device has functions to allow users to preview hole details, show precise distance to holes and points towards the green for blind shots. It has an electronic scorecard and the ability to upload and analyze scores and other information for players to compare and track improvements. As if that wasn’t enough, this watch has the capability to connect to your iPhone and receive text, email and missed call notifications so golfers can keep their phones in their bags and enjoy the green. Android compatibility is expected later this year.

The watch is on sale now at golfing specialty stores or online at the Garmin website.

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