Sunday, March 18, 2012

Exhibit Teaches Kids about GPS

GPS adventures CanadaWith so many video games and other things to distract kids, it can be hard to find something to get them interested in the outdoors or in navigation. If you live in or near Canada, then the Telus World of Science has a solution with their new travelling exhibition. Designed to teach kids about GPS and how it works, this interactive exhibition is currently at Edmonton at the science center.

The name of this exhibit is GPS Canada Adventures. The life-sized interactive maze will teach both kids and adults to maneuver their way through a collection of adventures and 3D puzzles in four different rooms, learning about navigation and GPS technology on the way. Equal parts technology, nature and treasure hunting, kids will get a chance to improve their critical thinking skills and memory retention to navigate their way through the maze. With a geocaching-like twist, kids can discover four hidden caches to reveal a secret code. Collect all four secret codes and find a treasure!

The exhibit is currently at Edmonton and will be there through June 2015, according to their website. This exhibit does have admission, but if you are in the area, it would be a fantastic way to help teach kids to understand GPS and instill a love of adventure and navigation. Check out their website for more information.

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