Sunday, March 18, 2012

Amazon Best Selling GPS Lists


I admit it: I’m a nerd. I’m also kind of weird, and I find watching Bestselling trends on Amazon to be extremely interesting to watch over the course of time. While their bestselling lists update hourly I’m not a big enough nerd (with enough free time) to check it more than once every couple of days, but the trends are kind of neat.

For example, as of this writing, the current bestselling GPS unit overall is the Garmin vivofit Fitness Band in black, followed by the Garmin Nuvi 52LM (which is almost always near the top of the list for some reason). By the time you read the article (as I’m writing a couple of days in advance so I can have my weekend free) the Vivofit band probably isn’t going to be number one. Or maybe it will be. Either way, it’s obviously pretty popular as a gift this year, and I can’t say I’m incredibly surprised–there were a TON of fitness trackers released this year, and the Vivofit garnered a lot of attention. I had actually considered requesting one to test, but it didn’t really seem to fit with the spirit of GPS Tracklog.

Anyway, the bestselling list has been broken down into individual sections, so you can look at GPS overall or just see which unit made it to the top of the Vehicle GPS list (hint: it’s the Nuvi 52LM). It might make me a nerd, and it might be super lame, but I find it interesting and thought I’d share.

If you have time, check out the Amazon Bestselling List and let me know if the unit at the top has changed!

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