Sunday, March 18, 2012

Volkswagen Partners with TomTom Traffic


Volkswagen Group, one of the largest car makers in Europe,  has announced that it has selected TomTom as its traffic service supplier of choice. TomTom Traffic is expected to begin showing up in Audi and Volkswagen vehicles in the next few years, providing drivers with traffic and GPS navigational information without the need for external devices.

TomTom, the Dutch-based navigation and mapping company, is a self-proclaimed global leader in traffic information and provides some pretty reliable routing based on traffic, weather and other factors. With recent updates, TomTom’s maps cover more than 100 million kilometers of roads around the world.

“TomTom invented and developed traffic information and efficient routing as we know it today,” said Harold Goddijn, CEO of TomTom in a press release. “Large scale adoption and on-going development will continue to contribute to reduced traffic congestion and CO2 emissions, as well as enhanced safety on the road in the future.”

This partnership is just the latest in a line of auto maker deals that TomTom has engaged in during the last year or so. Other companies that TomTom has provided traffic and navigation information to include Jeep and Chrysler’s Fiat. In fact, I think it would be fair to say that TomTom has spent far more time this last year in making partnerships and improving services than actually releasing new devices.



  1. volkswagen is a car Classic, I really like this car very much. , Dreams, I want to Volkswagen VW 2-27 / 1976 1 cars.

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