Sunday, March 18, 2012

GPS City St. Patty Day Sales


So, apparently someone at GPS City is a little disorganized. I was a little surprised not to get any kind of promotion yesterday, but didn’t really dwell on it. However, when I checked my email this morning, lo and behold! A St. Patrick’s Day sale advertised in an email sent at around 8 p.m. last night. Cutting it a little close there, guys!

Anyway, I thought I’d share the deals with you. They are pretty much all focused on golfing to “get your green on.” The email didn’t list an end date, but the deals are still good as of this morning. Here are some of the savings:

Woman Walking on a Treadmill

As per usual, GPS City is offering free shipping on all of these devices, and any order more than $25, which is pretty fortunate because shipping electronics can be a major pain. Again, I don’t have a specific end date for this promotion, so if you’re looking to nab a new GPS to help you on the green, I might suggest taking advantage of it quickly. It’s not super common to see rebates on golfing GPS because they aren’t super high priced to begin with.

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