Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tips for Hiding a Geocache


Hiding your first geocache can be a pretty exciting thing, but it isn’t as simple as just stuffing a tupperware container under a log and calling it a day. There are plenty of things you need to consider, and recently released reworked their Hiding a Geocache page with some fantastic information designed to help new geocachers hide caches successfully and responsibly.

Here are some of the main things that you should consider when hiding a geocache:

  1. Caches must be waterproof
  2. Make sure you get permission before hiding the cache
  3. Get accurate coordinates and be considerate of the terrain difficulty
  4. Be sure there aren’t any caches within 1/10th of a mile (around 528 feet)
  5. Label your geocache, and consider putting a welcome in case it’s found by a muggle
  6. Make sure your cache is durable
  7. Put the cache somewhere where you’ll be able to check up on it on occasion

Of course, that’s just some of the basics. Check out the video below and take’s Hiding a Geocache Quiz to see how much you know about geocaching! The folks over at Groundspeak suggest that you find around 100 caches before you hide your first so you have an idea of what to look for and what not to do.

Want to learn more? Be sure to read the Listing Requirements and Guidelines to get started. There are a lot of things you’ll need to know, but don’t be discouraged! Hiding a geocache can be really fun and you’ll love to see all the people who find it.

What tips do you have for geocaching or hiding geocaches? Is there anything you wish that you had known before hiding your first? Share with me in the comments!

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