Sunday, March 18, 2012

Garmin Updates Edge Devices with Strava


Great news today for all you Strava fans out there: Garmin has officially released a software update for several of its popular Edge devices which will add Strava Live Segments to the devices. The update was actually released on August 25 and should happen automatically whenever users connect their compatible Edge device to Garmin Connect on the computer.

The devices that will be getting the upgrade include:

  • Edge 510
  • Edge 810
  • Edge 1000

This update puts these devices on the same level as the slightly newer Garmin Edge 520 (shown at top), which shipped with Strava Live Segments. However, these units may require users to upgrade to ‘premium’ members in order to actually have much functionality.

In order to become a ‘premium’ member, users must pay a membership fee of about $60 per year. Premium membership provides a handful of benefits including GPX downloads, real-time segments, training plans, goals, analysis, leaderboards and more.

The Edge 510, 810 and 1000 units are mostly designed with cyclists in mind, but running is also technically supported. The devices themselves are a couple of years old, but still offer users quite a bit of functionality and are solid devices for the market. The devices track a variety of statistics and can also provide tracking and routing. Actual capabilities vary between the three units, as you’d expect.

You can pick up one of these Edge devices for just over $300 on GPS City.

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