Sunday, March 18, 2012

TomTom Announces New TomTom GO 52

Dutch mapping and Sat Nav manufacturer TomTom announced a new GPS device last week. The device, which is called the TomTom VIA 53 in Europe, is available now in the UK and provides users with a midrange device that includes Wifi, which is usually only available on higher-end devices.

The press release from TomTom states that the device would be available in “select countries” starting last week and that in the United States, it is called the “TomTom GO 52.” However as of the time of writing, it still doesn’t seem to be available on the US version of the TomTom website. Regardless, we’re still going to go ahead and look at it; operating on the assumption it will be available in the US eventually.

The TomTom GO 52 is a midrange device designed for the average user who is more interested in connectivity options than in navigational bells and whistles. The primary draw of the device is the built-in Wifi chip, allowing users to update the device wirelessly.

Here are some of the other features included:

  • Built-in Wifi
  • Lifetime TomTom Traffic
  • Lifetime map updates
  • Compatible with Siri and Google Now
  • Ability to read smartphone messages out loud
  • 3 months of Speed Camera Alerts
  • Hands free calling

European customers can pick up a TomTom VIA 53 now for the low price of £179.99. This device is the next-to-cheapest device, with prices in the line ranging from £159.99 – £339.99. That makes it a decent deal for what you get, although I’m surprised it’s taken this long for TomTom to offer Wifi on its lower-tier devices. Still, better late than never.

If you’re in the US, you’ll have to order from this website, and make sure that you search for the TomTom GO 52, as that’s the device’s name in the United States. Again, at the time of writing it’s not showing up for me, so if you’re in the US and you see it on there be sure to mention below and let me know!



  1. can I listen the music with it?

  2. I think so

  3. Don Smith says:

    TomTom GO 52 available on US website @$179 as of 8/23/17.

  4. I am a big fan of TomTom and I use it with great pleasure! The best on the market!

  5. Is it more comfortable to use compared to just using your cell phone as a sat nav?

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