Sunday, March 18, 2012

Rumor: Fitbit ‘Superwatch’ with built-in GPS


From what it sounds like, Fitbit has refocused its attention on serious athletes with the upcoming release of several new fitness trackers. Two of the new trackers seem to be remodeled versions of the Fitbit Force with a few extra features. But the one that caught my attention was the Fitbit Surge—a new ‘superwatch’ that is designed to have all of the activity, fitness and sleep tracking you could ever want, complete with built-in GPS capabilities.

Nothing official has been announced yet, and I am aware that normally fitness trackers aren’t the sort of thing that we would cover. However, the built-in GPS rumored to be in the Fitbit Surge is what caught my attention. In addition to the normal fitness tracking abilities, this new watch/tracker will also be able to map your routes and combine it with fitness data to get a complete look at your run.

The device will have a heart rate monitor and also a sleep tracker. Rumors indicate that users will be able to wirelessly sync information, share data and sync with a smartphone to display notifications and texts. It is expected to market for around $250 and will be available sometime in November. However, official marketing materials and details haven’t been announced as of yet. But if even some of that is true, this might be a pretty good cross-over between the GPS market and the fitness market.

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