UPDATE: Most of the several generations old StreetPilot series, including this model, has been discontinued. For a more current recommendation, check out our Auto GPS buyers guide or go straight to our Garmin nuvi comparison chart.
The Garmin StreetPilot 2730 is part of the popular 2000 series of auto navigation systems. The 2730 adds a couple of major new features — an MP3 player and XM satellite radio. With XM radio, you not only get music, but also weather and real-time traffic conditions that overlay maps in major metropolitan areas in the U.S. The StreetPilot 2730 uses this data to automatically calculate and suggest faster alternate routes before traffic starts backing up. Of course this is all in addition to pre-loaded maps of North America, a touch screen and voice-prompted routing.
Compare prices on the Garmin StreetPilot 2730
If early reviews are any indication, this unit is a winner. At the time of this posting, over a dozen people have reviewed it at Amazon, giving it very strong ratings. Here are their Garmin 2730 reviews.
I’ll be posting more hands on reviews as they appear, but in the meantime, here are some other helpful resources:
- XM NavTraffic pricing info.
- A PDF version of the Street Pilot 2730 owners manual.
- Want to see how the 2730 stacks up against other mobile units? Use this handy Garmin GPS comparison tool.
- I know of no active and spam-free message forum devoted solely to the StreetPilot series, but there is an excellent UseNet group devoted to Garmin products in general at alt.satellite.gps.garmin.
- The official Garmin StreetPilot 2730 web page.
Compare prices on the Garmin StreetPliot 2730 at these merchants:
- Find the low price for the StreetPilot 2730 at GPS Now.com.
- Check the price of the Garmin StreetPilot 2730
at Amazon.
- Get a great deal on the Garmin StreetPilot 2730 at eBay.