UPDATE: Most of the several generations old StreetPilot series, including this model, has been discontinued. For a more current recommendation, check out our Auto GPS buyers guide or go straight to our Garmin nuvi comparison chart.
The Garmin StreetPilot c530 offers pre-loaded maps of North America, Garmin Lock™ anti-theft protection and the SiRFstar III chipset. You can also add an optional FM TMC traffic receiver. Step up to the c550 for an integrated traffic receiver, MP3 capabilities, Bluetooth wireless and a unit that calls out upcoming street names.
Additional options include live traffic information, the Garmin Language Guide™ and Garmin Travel Guide™.
Compare prices on the Garmin StreetPilot c530
More Garmin StreetPliot c530 reviews
- Satisfied owners are starting to post Garmin c530 reviews at Amazon.
- Garmin StreetPilot c530 reviews are also showing up at CNet.
- The Prius Owners Group has posted a Garmin StreetPilot c530 review.
- Bob Atkins has also posted a Garmin StreetPilot c530 review.
- Here’s a negative review of the Garmin c530.
- Here’s a brief StreetPilot c530 review from a kayaker!
- I’ll be posting more hands on GPS reviews of the c530 as they appear, but in the meantime, here are some
Other Garmin StreetPilot c530 resources
- A PDF version of the Garmin c530 owners manual.
- There is a UseNet alt.satellite.gps.garmin message forum.
Compare prices on the Garmin StreetPilot c530 at these merchants:
- Check the current Garmin StreetPilot c530 price at Amazon.com.
- Find the low price on the Garmin c530 at GPSNow.com.
- Check out the deal on the
Garmin StreetPilot c530 GPS
at REI.
- Get the Garmin StreetPilot c530 for an amazing price on eBay!
I bought the street pilot 530 instead of 550 because I don’t like blutooth devices. Now I really wish mine annouces the street name.
The 530C is small enough to put in my bag if don’t need the external charge.
Add additonal stop (one only) is not user friendly or I don’t know how to use it?
Does any GPS allow you to cutomize your route? These are the alternative routes tested by friends and relatives knowing the area, i.e., my hubby knows how to get to his sister’s house using deffirent routes, or alternative when traffic stops.
I also wish larger screens as the vision is not so good now.
Jenny, the Garmin nuvi 700 series allows for multi-destination routing and saved routes. There are other brands that do too, but the Garmin will probably be the most intuitive.