Sunday, March 18, 2012

GPS Tracklog turns one year old

One year ago today, I launched GPS Tracklog with this simple post…

Welcome to GPS Tracklog. This weblog is devoted to the convergence of GPS and the personal computer. With your help, I’ll be exploring mapping software and all things GPS. If you use the cable that links your GPS to your computer, you should feel at home here. One other thing — I’m going to focus on user-friendly applications here. I don’t know an API from a hole in the ground. This site isn’t about code, this is mapping for the masses. I’m not a programmer, but I might occasionally try some simple hacks. When I do, I’ll try to lead you through them step-by-step.

Little did I know where it would lead and just how popular it would become.  But here we are, over 100,000 visits and nearly 300,000 page views later. I thought about doing a little retrospective, but I keep links to the most popular and useful posts in a sidebar (now on the left), so if you haven’t been here since the beginning, why not take a look.

The blog has become quite a balancing act, as it is a popular site for people looking for GPS reviews. But I’m also trying to carve out more time for content that will appeal to GPS veterans. In the next couple of weeks, I plan to begin a series on mapping software, and I hope it will prove useful to long-time readers and newbies alike.

Finally, a big thank you to everyone who has supported GPS Tracklog and my book, GPS Mapping: Make Your Own Maps. The blog is a lot of work, but it’s also a lot of fun, and it’s been truly wonderful to hear from other GPS enthusiasts out there. So here’s to year two…

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. Congratulations on one year! Best wishes to you for continued success!

  2. Thanks Marti. Good luck with your book!

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