Sunday, March 18, 2012

Moving day!


Yes, I’m leaving the redwoods. The moving truck arrives this morning. For a while, it looked like we would move to the desert southwest. But a trip back home to Asheville, NC, convinced us otherwise.

More on Asheville in a moment. But first, what does this mean for GPS Tracklog and its loyal readers? Well, posting will slow down and comment response will be very limited for a week or two. Once we’re settled in though, I hope to bring you a slew of hands on GPS tests from the trails and cities of the southeast, a return to the (formerly) weekly Waypoints posting and more. So please, stay tuned!

Now back to Asheville. One of the hippest cities in the south, it has awesome mountain biking, the Blue Ridge Parkway, and the Pisgah National Forest (home of nearby Looking Glass Rock, pictured above). Plus, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is only a short drive away. The vibrant downtown area features quite a few art deco buildings, including City Hall, below at left. Definitely a cool destination and an even cooler place to live. Thanks for your patience during our relocation.


About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. Have a good move and safe trip. The desert southwest is a wonderful place, but Asheville doesn’t sound too bad ;-).

  2. Rich,
    I just read your commentary in the Mountain Express. Email me and lets see if we can put some more pressure on our legislators.

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