Sunday, March 18, 2012

Free map update for Navigon owners

It looks like Navigon may be making a marketing push for their FreshMaps service by offering a one-time free map update for current owners. The updated maps will be complimentary with the version 1.2 firmware update, which is reported to have the following release schedule:

  • Navigon 5100 – April 17
  • Navigon 2100 – April 22
  • Navigon 7100 – May 14

Via GPS Review and GpsPasSion forums, where you can find additional details.

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. I need maps for transonic model

  2. Mile,
    I know nothing about this model. Have you tried the Navigon website?

  3. David Chino says:

    am attempting to download a map for Zimbabwe southern africa

  4. pedro angeles says:

    hI. mmy name is pedro angeles. I own a navigon device .one ob the vest outthere.. Ibought it about a year ago. and it worked perfect for meny months…. bat recietly I being having alittle problem with it the I think it needs to be recalibrated or up dated the deviced is not acurate is of about a tenth ob a mile. I like to know if you can help me to corect the little problem .other then that it works just grate I thank you in advance for your help. truly yours pedro angeles.

  5. Haven’t heard of that sort of problem before. Does it lag by 1/10 of a mile behind your position? You could see if an update is available, but Navigon left the US market, so they aren’t well supported anymore. What model do you have?

  6. George says:

    I would like to have a map of Zimbabwe for my Navigon 3300 max but I can’t find out if they have one or where to download it. I

  7. It doesn’t look like they have one…

    For international maps, your best bet is often a Garmin unit (FWIW).

  8. What is the story with the Fresh Maps site. I can’t find the Purchase New Maps. All I can find is the IPhone & Android software download. I have had a 2120 MAX for 2 years now & I like it but the maps & POIs are getting old. Where, if anywhere, will I find the Purchase New Maps on the Navigon site. I have sent 3 e-mails by way of the Contact us but no reply & no call back.

  9. Navigon has pulled out of the US PND market, so I expect they aren’t selling them anymore. They are delivering updates to current owners though. You can probably buy a Freshmaps subscription from a third-party, but there’s no telling how long the updates will keep coming.

  10. Thanks for the come back. THis is the 1st I’ve heard about Navigon abandoning the North American Market. I thought they were a Canadian company.
    I’ve forgotten how I got there but, from your site I used a link with KARTEN in it to locate a Navigon site with new Fresh Maps software.
    I had used the Update my Software option on the previous Fresh Maps software & was assured I had the current version, 1.49. I downloaded & installed the version found on the KARTEN Site & found the current version was 3.01.
    After installing it I was sure my problems were solved. When I tried to access my existing account I got “Don’t recognise the e-mail address or Password”.
    I decided to start a new account. When I finished I Saved the Account Info & got “Accessing Server” & then “Invalid Client”. That continued through all options on the new software. WTF??
    After an hour of screwing around with it, I went to Amazon & found the 2 year Update for $10 more than the Advertised Price, $90. I guess I should have thrown my hands up& bought a new GPS with a Finger for Navigon but I bought the Update instead.
    Now I’m waiting for Snail Mail to deliver what I should have been able to download from their site for $10 more plus shipping costs.
    Unfortunately, this is my 2nd failed relationship with a GPS which had ancient maps & a promised Map Updates. Magellan Navigator wasn’t any better & their site was just as bad.
    I bought the Navigon 2120 MAX after I gave up on the Magellan because of the Traffic Alert (no subscription cost) & the PROMISE of quarterly Map Updates. After the 1st Map Download from Navigon I was NEVER able to download new maps through Fresh Maps. Circular References in the Links & Server Failure, off & on for 2 years.
    I hope this Map Update by way of Amazon gets me through the short term. If it doesn’t, I’ll return it to Amazon & buy a different GPS which doesn’t offer ANYTHING FREE.

  11. Well, I recieved the Map Update card. I was expecting a new SIM Card but I got an Activation Card which has a code so I can download the Map Update. THat was the problem I was having all along. I couldn’t locate the Download site!
    I activated the Map Download on the Navigon Site & recieved an e-mail with a Link marked Download Now. Hot Damn, progress. I followed the link & got to a site which was supposed to let me download the Q2 2010 Maps. I clicked the button & got a flash of something, Connecting to server & then back to the NavigonUSA Site. Nothing but Iphone & Android stuff. I switched back to FreshMaps & tried again. This time I get “This Product not supported.” My Navigon says “Please insert Memory Card” in 7 languages.
    Multiple tries on the “Contact Us” & TEch Support site have been sent with no reply, to date.
    I’ll return the Card & get a refund from Amazon. At the same time I will complain about the product & lack of response from NAvigon. I plan to replace the 18 month old device with one from a company I have heard of & that is American Made. Not that I expect it to be any better but at least I can sue.

  12. Can not update my NAVIGON! Been directed toward lots of advertisements ie to buy products. Sounds like another false add where I’ve been given information products FREE. Which would have been 19.95….I get directed to pay SH which turns out to be $33.95!!!!! Always sticking it even NETFLIX has joined the capital only organization. 🙁
    Now I can’t update this product and only wish it could be sent back….have used it since 2008, religiously. Follow Ups aren’t necessary cause money motivated country.

  13. Just got the word about the company. Please, forgive this message, I apologize for it.

  14. navigon its just a s**t product. you can’t even upgrade it.what kind of device is this. any one who wish to buy GPS its better to go for other brand NOT navigon. i tried to update my NVG7100 with South African map. it does’nt work at all. s**t product

  15. Sean Deneau says:

    I Need an Update for my Navigon 2100 and I cant find one for free any Ideas where I can Find one? I need it ASAP. Thanks for any Help Sean

  16. Isaac Agyemang says:

    I want an update to my Navigon 5100 GPS

  17. Mark Hilbish says:

    Just spoke with Navigon (Garmin) about updating my 2100 maps for US. They advised that the unit is not supported any longer, but they will update me to a Garmin 2455 for $99.00. Garmin bought Navigon and essentially obsoleted the company here.

  18. Dave Primula says:

    My wife has a VW UP! which came with built in V41UK 03.08.2011. This version isn’t shown on Navigon’s web site … so can you just update to Freshmaps EU44? Or does the whole thing need replaving by a Garmin?

  19. Can I get map updates for my Navigon 3300 in Australia. I have tried going the “Fresh” route but with no success. Are updates still available for download

  20. hi
    i live in south africa
    i have a navigon ta 2010/1102.
    how do i upgrade my device?
    thank you

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