Sunday, March 18, 2012

Moving GPS Tracklog phase one


When I started this site, way back in August 2005, I knew very little about blogging. So while I bought the domain, I used the TypePad subdomain, for some pretty stupid reasons.

Now it’s time to cut those ties and move completely over to, in preparation for even more changes. If all goes well, it should happen tonight and in the wee hours Thursday morning.

Can you hear / see me now?

With a little luck, you readers shouldn’t have to do much of anything. I would encourage you to update your bookmarks to But the old links will still work, at least for the time being, and our RSS feed address should stay the same. If you do notice anything really weird or can’t access the site / feed for an extended period of time, please drop me a line at my richowings gmail address. Don’t forget to add the @ and the .com.

Phase two

If all goes well, in a few weeks or so I’ll be moving off TypePad entirely, switching to WordPress. It’s been a good run here. I love the fact that TypePad let me focus on writing and didn’t require me mucking around in the backend. But this site has gotten huge, and WordPress will allow me to manage the site much more efficiently, and add new and helpful features for you, the reader.

Note to Webmasters, bloggers and anyone linking to me

I’ll probably ask you to update links at some point, but not yet. TypePad has changed their URL structure and the WordPress import will require some fancy MySQL incantations to ensure that I end up with the same URL structure that you should start seeing tomorrow. If you’ve just linked to the front page though, feel free to go ahead and change those links to

Thank you!

Thanks for your patience as we make these exciting and scary (for me!) changes.

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. Good luck with the move! Once things have settled down, drop me a line – I may have some useful WordPress suggestions for you.

  2. Will do.

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