Sunday, March 18, 2012

DeLorme inReach 1.5 for iOS and Android clears the FCC

This one is for you iPhone toting backcountry types. It looks like the DeLorme inReach two-way satellite communicator is finally going to see an iPhone version. Or to be more precise, there’s actually a new model, the DeLorme inReach 1.5 that will be compatible with both iOS and Android.

No word on an introduction date, but I’m betting it will be pretty soon. I’ve pinged DeLorme, so I’ll update this post if I learn any more. Oh, and if you’re scratching your head wondering what this is all about, here’s my DeLorme inReach for Android review.

Via FCC (whose links are notorious for throwing scary security certificate warnings).

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. Rich – Ever hear back from Yarmouth? Still no mention on DeLorme’s blog or other PR mechanisms.

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