Sunday, March 18, 2012

New Garmin Edge with Bluetooth hits the FCC

Garmin Edge with Bluetooth

Forthcoming Garmin Edge with Bluetooth?

Look what showed up on the FCC website! This appears to be a new Garmin Edge cycling unit, sporting a nice Bluetooth logo on the rear. And while the FCC documentation doesn’t say Edge, it does mention an “Edge External Power Pack.” There is no word on whether or not the wireless is of the Bluetooth Low Energy flavor, but we suspect it is. Since Bluetooth would open the door for wireless data transfer to and from some smartphone and tablets, we may also see an app announcement when it is officially rolled out. 

There have been plenty of rumors floating around the Web about a new Edge 900 (or some other model number) being imminent. We expect to see this one announced by early January, probably just ahead of CES. Personally, I’m not expecting a lot of other improvements over the Edge 800, but this should definitely be their flagship cycling unit. Also of note, the Garmin Approach G6 golf GPS appears to be based on the Edge 800 hardware platform, so we may see a new Approach with Bluetooth too.

Feel free to follow the FCC link, but be warned that they tend to trigger a security warning.

Stay tuned!

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.

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