Sunday, March 18, 2012

Rove connects your Garmin GPS and smartphone

Rove Bluetooth GPS smartphone connector

The Rove device connects your Garmin GPS with your smartphone

Here’s an interesting device — the Rove connects to your Garmin handheld GPS and allows you to download geocaches from your phone (great for first to find seekers) or share the trail you just hiked or biked with your social networks.

Compatible with most Garmin handhelds with a mini-USB port, the Bluetooth device is planned to sell for $149, although in a thread on Groundspeak, one of the folks behind Rove says…

…the $149 currently shown on the website is our tentative MSRP. We’re working hard to get the price down and there will be some introductory deals when the product first becomes available for purchase.

At that price, it’s certainly cheaper than upgrading to the Garmin Oregon 600 series, but we won’t be seeing mass adoption. A live tracking capability would broaden the appeal, but it’s unclear if that is planned.

Rove Garmin GPS smartphone Bluetooth

The Rove connects to your GPS and exchanges data with your smartphone via Bluetooth

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


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