Sunday, March 18, 2012

New Book Outlines Beginning of GPS

bookA new book titled Flying for GPS published by Len Jacobson explores the beginning and development of the global positioning system and commercial air travel during his 50-year career. The book covers GPS’s evolution from large and expensive military gear to today’s tiny GPS chips located in most cell phones. Unlike many GPS chronicles, Jacobson’s book is about user equipment more than satellites and technical explanations and outlines how a system originally intended for military aircraft has become a utility of everyday life.

In his book, Jacobson draws from his experiences working for Hughes Aircraft, Magnavox, Interstate Electronics and his own company, Global Systems and Marketing, Inc and recreates much of what happened with the development of GPS in his career and his thoughts on the technology and the parallel developments in commercial air travel. This memoir is especially relevant following the recent death of Roger Easton, hailed the ‘Father of GPS’ earlier this year.

Jacobson has been deeply involved in GPS throughout his career and has worked with most of the major GPS companies and several small businesses trying to find a place in the rapidly expanding GPS market. He has also participated as an expert witness in many legal cases involving GPS.

Jacob’s new book can be purchased on Xlibris, Barnes & Noble and on Amazon paperback or for Kindle.

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