Sunday, March 18, 2012

Funny GPS Jokes for your Sunday Afternoon

Worldwide GPS image found on 11 Points

Worldwide GPS
Image found on 11 Points

Most of the things that I write about here on GPS Tracklog are pretty serious and news-related. Satellite launches, navigational tips, new products and other relevant information for the world of GPS. But, sometimes, you just need a little funny in your life.

So today, I have absolutely zero news for you. Instead, I just want to share some of these funny GPS jokes from various places. So sit back, relax and have a great Sunday!

From Readers Digest:

Scene: A conversation between two of my friends.

Friend #1: Are you visiting us tomorrow? Do you need directions?
Friend #2: I’m all set. I have the address, a GPS, and a GPS override.
Friend #1: What’s a GPS override?
Friend #2: My wife.

If you don’t mind some foul language, then this funny article by Ken Levine is worth a read. Here are some other jokes from various other sites around the net:

  • My GPS asked me how much I loved it. I replied, “Well, I’d be lost without you.”
  • My Dad kept using this GPS in his car that kept directing him to cliff edges. I think that’s what led him to his downfall.
  • I tagged Waldo with a GPS device. Problem solved.
  • I’m not saying my wife is a bad driver, but the new GPS I got her just went off and said “After 400 feet, stop and let me out!”
  • My friend was born with a GPS locator embedded in his chest. He can be difficult, but you know exactly where you stand with him.
  • A bloke in the pub sold me a pirate GPS. It tells you exactly where you arr.


And, last but not least, an excerpt from comedian Tom Papa’s sketch about GPS and getting lost:

“I got lost in my car the other night with my GPS system and I realized why. This is totally sexist and wrong, so I apologize. But it’s a female voice on the navigation system — I don’t trust her.” –Tom Papa

Do you know any great GPS jokes? Share them with me below!

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