Sunday, March 18, 2012

Yepzon GPS Locator Launches in US

The GPS tracking technology market is on the verge of being saturated with more products than you can shake a stick at. However, that doesn’t seem to prevent the launches of additional products with slightly upgraded features. This week Finnish technology company Yepzon announced that its GPS locator is now available in the United States.

Unlike a lot of other GPS locators, this device is actually pretty simple and does not include many of the bells and whistles of other tracking devices. There are no movement alarms or geofences or buttons of any kind on the outside of the slick white device. Instead, Yepzon is designed to do one thing–track location–and do it well. Yepzon uses GPS, Bluetooth and GSM cell signals for tracking. There isn’t a whole lot of information on how the device manages those three or how it decides which method is best, unfortunately.

yepzon_13Similar to other Bluetooth/GPS trackers, Yepzon is controlled and tracked via  smartphone and at launch iOS, Androi and Windows Phone apps are available for download. The apps can track any number of devices at a time and, according to the company website, requires no login or registration which makes it both simpler and less secure. Via the app, users can check battery life and locate individual Yepzons.

While the device has been available overseas for a couple months, American buyers can pick one up from Amazon for $129. The device comes preloaded with around 6 months of data for GSM connections, and additional month-by-month data can be purchased for around $6 per month. Right now, the device has full stars on Amazon, but those reviews honestly look like paid reviews to me. Only time will tell whether the device actually has enough features to make it a hit.

If you want to learn more about Yepzon, you can check out the company’s website for full specs and more information. Or, you an buy one on Amazon.


  1. Thanks for a great article. Couple comments from Yepzon’s side: a) Monthly data cost is $4.95 (5MB) after the free six months and b) Reviews on Amazon are not paid, they are real reviews from real users.

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