Sunday, March 18, 2012

Norad to Track Santa’s Trip


Christmas Eve is finally here again, which means that the countdown has begun for Santa and his elves to get all of the presents loaded up, the naughty and nice list checked again, and the travel plans made. But, have you ever wondered how Santa manages to visit all of the children in one night? While I’m don’t know what we’ll ever know exactly how he manages it all, one thing that we can be sure is that he definitely visits all the children of the world, giving out presents. And how do we know? Well, by tracking him via GPS, of course!

In fact, since 1955, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has been tracking Santa’s progress on Christmas Eve to make sure that the jolly man doesn’t run into any problems on his flight. While originally they used radar to hone in on Rudolph’s shining red nose, in the modern era, advanced GPS technology, specially-designed SantaCams, and input from the elves that make up Santa’s flight team allow NORAD to track exactly where the jolly man himself is delivering toys throughout the night.

From what we have seen over the years, Santa’s flight plan changes slightly every year to account for weather and the number of good boys and girls he has to visit. However, in the past Santa has started near the International Date Line in the Pacific Ocean and traveled West to visit the South Pacific, New Zealand and Australia, Asia, across Africa, and Western Europe. Then, his sleigh crosses the pond and visits Canada, the US, Mexico and then Central and South America before heading packing up and heading home. Of course, that could change as we all know that Santa won’t visit a house that still has children who are awake.

Regardless, if you want to keep an eye on Santa and make sure that the kids are all in bed on time, you can check out the live tracker below! We spoke with some of Santa’s elves and the folks over at NORAD who were kind enough to give us the tracking information in order to help you follow Santa Claus as he visits the children of the world throughout the night. Just make sure that everyone is in bed when he gets close!!

Check out the screen below to see what Santa is up to!

From all of us at GPS Tracklog, have a Merry Christmas!

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