Sunday, March 18, 2012

Couple Uses GPS To Announce Pregnancy


Here at GPS Tracklog, we write about a lot of hard news like product releases and technical information about the state of GPS in the country and world. It can be easy to forget that GPS is way more than Garmin’s latest navigation device, or that cool new Kickstarter program, or even geocaching tips. But, GPS can be used for a variety of more fun things, including hiding art, jogging for marriage proposals and everything in between. Today, I wanted to pause in all the technical stuff to write about an adorable human interest article I stumbled across at Little Things.

Recently, a couple posted a video online of a pregnancy announcement made in a very unusual way: through the device’s GPS voice navigation. There aren’t a lot of details on exactly how it was done, but watching the video, it looks like the woman may have used Siri from Apple Maps for the announcement. The reactions of the mother were pretty priceless.

You can watch the video below:

As I said, I normally don’t do articles like this here, because I know you guys are way more interested in what’s actually happening in the world of GPS (and, honestly, usually I am the same), but sometimes it’s fun to take a step back and be reminded that it’s real people using GPS and that this technology impacts people’s lives in more ways than preventing being lost or tracking the latest run.

Anyway, be sure to check back tomorrow for some real GPS news, including a new Garmin product that should be hitting the shelves soon. Have a great weekend, everybody!

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