UPDATE: This model has been discontinued. For more current recommendations, please refer to our handheld GPS buyers guide or our Garmin handheld GPS comparison chart.
The Garmin eTrex Vista C has a compact design that belies its feature-rich3 nature; it includes an electronic compass, barometric altimeter, and automatic routing capability. With 24 MB of memory, it can handle a good amount of City Select
maps for highway navigation, though probably not enough for multi-day trips. You’ll need a unit with more memory for that, like the newer Vista Cx.
At Amazon, the unit has garnered an average 4 star rating (out of 5) from dozens of customers in their Vista C reviews.
Compare prices on the Garmin eTrex Vista C
Here’s what others are saying about the Vista C:
- GPSInformation.net has this eTrex Vista C review, along with some pretty incredible screen shots.
- At ZDNet, 12 readers gave the Garmin Vista C an average rating of 7.9 out of 10.
- TheBackpacker.com gives a five star review to the eTrex VistaC .
For additional resources, check out:
- A PDF version of the Gamin eTrex Vista C manual.
- Yahoo’s eTrex Legend and Vista discussion group.
- The official Garmin VistaC web page.
Compare prices on the Garmin eTrex Vista C at these merchants:
- Check the current Garmin eTrex Vista C price
at Amazon.com.
- Get the Garmin eTrex Vista C for an amazing price on eBay.
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