Sunday, March 18, 2012

Alphabet soup – AIO’s, CE and GPS

In case you’ve been seeing it in reference to GPS receivers and are wondering, AIO stands for all in one. In my last waypoints collection of shorts, I mentioned a new Pioneer GPS receiver that runs Windows CE. Now you may be wondering why you would want Windows CE on your GPS.  Today, GpsPasSion fills in the details:

While they have yet to break through in the US, WinCE based AIOs are selling like hot cakes in Europe, likely because they do the job and have the added bonus of letting you install many different applications once they’ve been "customized".

They go on to discuss some other interesting hacks:

Forum member PsiDOC has posted guides on how to (legally) install GPS favorites, TomTom and OziCE on a Packard Bell GPS400 or other AIOs.

I should add that the GpsPasSion post title mentions customizing Magellan and Mio receivers too.

Technorati tags: GPS

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. Many thnaks for the mention.
    If anyone has any queries about the GPS 400 drop us a post on GPS Passion or mail me.

  2. Hey Psi,
    You guys are doing a great job over at GPS Passion. I link to you fairly often. Keep up the good work!

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