Sunday, March 18, 2012

Should you get a nuvi or a Mio

Miodigiwalkerc520EDIT: While this post originally focused on the Mio C520, the points are generally true for the Mio C220 too. Its not quite as complex, but it is still not as simple to operate as a nuvi.

Following my review of the Mio C520, I wanted to delve a little more deeply into why you might buy a Mio or a Garmin nuvi. I’m a big fan of Garmin; they rock — intuitive menus, great customer service and quality products. But Mio really grabbed my attention with the C520.

So let’s say you’re in the market for an auto navigation GPS. Which do you buy — a nuvi or a Mio?

Reasons to get a Mio C520

  • Price – At a list price of $399.95, and with it discounted more and more as the weeks go by, you’ll get a lot of bang for your buck.
  • The geek factor – Do you like tech toys with lots of menus that you can tweak and get them to do just what you want? If so, buy this and not a nuvi.
  • You’ve got a human navigator too – The Mio C520 has complex menus and you don’t want to be distracted using them while driving. If you’re usually the passenger, or you’ve got a co-pilot that also likes tech toys, this could be the perfect unit for you.


Reasons to get a Garmin nuvi

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.

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